No proofs of quality
Rating - 4.5/10
When it comes to picking out a UK writing service, you need them to offer you great quality work for decent prices and always on time. However, while it seems that are able to accept orders, their refund policies are very strict. Perhaps an alternative service in the United Kingdom would be better, one that has an easier refund policy if you ever needed that safety net.
4.5/10As we understand the importance of researching companies before purchasing from them, we have provided you with a review of the UK writing service Freelance House. Are legit or just a scam? Let’s find out together.
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When you login to Freelancehouse, you see a tagline that says that they are a service you can trust and as they have over 4,000 writing experts ready for to work on your assignments they may just well be! are able to offer their customers a huge range of services from dissertations, essays to editing and proofreading. Whether you need your assignment written from scratch, simply edited or proofread they can offer you just that and more.
Quality say that their professional writers will always provide their customers with high quality work and their tagline also suggests just that. Their website has been dotted around with a few reviews from previous customers, all backing up that they are truly a great writing service to go with – but can you really trust the reviews that they choose to put up?
While FreelanceHouse offer no offers in the way of a discount code or coupon, while we were visiting the site we were ‘chosen’ to be given a VIP customer service for free and had 10 minutes to think about it. However, to get more information you had to submit your personal contact details so who knows how good this deal would have been?
To get a better idea of what you are looking to pay, if you ordered an undergraduate paper that was due in 14 days then you will be paying £16.45. However, this price doesn’t include how many pages or what the grade would be which isn’t too great when you are trying to select the service for you.
To find out more about Freelance House and how previous customers rate them, we looked into some reviews online. We found that while they seem to have great reviews ranging from 4 to 5 stars, they are not all too great once you get reading. One review in particular said that they found their refund policies far too strict for their liking.