Low quality website, no positive reviews
Rating - 3.6/10
When we take into consideration the quality of their website, we cannot recommend their writing service. It may be best to go with an alternative service in the United Kingdom that is able to show off the skills of the professionals they hire before you purchase or order from them. Quality Assignment have failed to make reviews to their website, which shows lacking proofreading and carefulness.
It is best to go with another service that you can trust not to provide poor work, resulting in you having to chase a refund when you have deadlines to meet.
3.6/10Before placing an order with any UK writing service, you should always be clear on what the quality of their work is, that’s why we have provided you with a review of Qualityassignment.co.uk.
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Quality Assignment are able to provide writing services for most types of assignments from essays to dissertations. When it comes to placing an order with them you are able to either order your custom paper or dissertation or simply get them to edit it for you after writing yourself.
To be honest, if their work is anything like their website quality then it really isn’t that great at all. QualityAssignment’s website has many spelling mistakes and hasn’t even been designed correctly. Due to the errors in design, some wording is unclear or completely invisible due to the background and wording colours.
Some of their headings are even repeated multiple times in a row, which only highlights the spelling mistakes. It shows that they haven’t even proofread their own website, let alone their work.
So you have an idea of what Qualityassignment.co.uk charge, we have provided you with a price example below:
If you were to order a 2,000-word assignment that you need back within 2-3 days, then it will cost you £90. They also ask for a £45 deposit (or half of the full amount) before any work is started.
Quality Assignment also offer a 10% discount code for anyone who refers friends to their service, but no other coupons.
When we took a look at their social media accounts, we found that while both their Twitter and Facebook has followers around the 350 mark, they were not active at all. Their Twitter hasn’t been active since May 2016 and their Facebook hasn’t been since February 2016, which just raises the question, is Qualityassignment legit? It does look as if their followings have been bought and are a scam.